
Ordering Online to have product shipped.

Our online shopping portal is available to purchase Maplewood Meat’s products to be shipped directly to your desired destination.

You have the option to order as a guest customer or you can create an online shopping account.  An online shopping account is a great way to save time by not re-entering information when you return to place an order in the future.

After you submit your order, you will receive an email with tracking information when your product is picked up from our facility from FEDEX.

Orders are shipped from our facility on Mondays and Tuesdays.  Please allow up to three to five days for your order to processed before being shipped from our facility.  Standard delivery is three days from ship date.   Shipping is not available to Alaska,  Hawaii, and PO boxes at this time. Holiday order cutoff date this year is December 8th, 2024. Any order placed after this date will be delivered the week of January 6th, 2025.

*Notice: All fresh bratwurst and fresh sausage is shipped next day delivery to ensure it arrives safely.

Only when necessary, we may substitute items of equal or greater value in gift boxes in order to achieve the greatest possible satisfaction for you or the gift recipient.

Our staff is here to answer any questions you may have regarding our products or services. Please contact us via telephone at 1-920-865-7901 or email at

Shipping and Handling Charges:

Shipping & Handling to Wisconsin : No Additional Charge

Shipping & Handling to Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, West Virginia: Shipping Charges only apply to Fresh Sausage. All other products no additional charges

Shipping and Handling Charges for States Not Listed Above:
$25-$49.99 $10.99
$50-$74.99 $15.99
$75-$99.99 $20.99
$100-$124.99 $25.99
$125-$149.99 $30.99
over $150 24% of order total

0 items $0.00  ❘